When a report is run from inside Maximo, a
text format parameter file, PRM (with no extension), is created in the local
spool directory. PRM is then handed to the SQR report as an input file.
PRM will have five lines:
Line 1 will contain the SQL "where" query from the
calling Maximo screen or will have an asterisk (*) if no query-by-example was
Lines 2 through 5 will contain the user's inputs from the (up to) four prompts.
TIP - When debugging an SQR, it's vital to know
exactly what is being fed to it. The simplest way to see the contents of PRM is
to create a Notepad icon on your desktop that opens PRM.
Alternatlvely, you can download, register and run TESTPRM to see passed parameters.
Running Uncompiled Reports
Prior to Maximo V3.x, uncompiled reports were the norm. One would
craft an SQR using their favorite text editor and register the .SQR in Maximo.
The introduction of the SQR Workbench included the option to compile SQRs to SQTs, and PSDI
coded Maximo so pass the report name with an .SQT appended rather than .SQR.
Although the compiled SQTs ran marginally faster than the SQRs, the recommendation that
a separate sets of compiled SQT be maintained for each database meant that those of us that
maintained training/development databases would have more work. Then, there was the problem
of the plain-text admin userids and passwords in the compiled SQTs...
Since PSDI hardcoded the .SQT extension, they didn't leave an option to run uncompiled; but it
can be done with a simple hack:
- In the Reports and Other Apps module, on the record for SQR reports, make two changes:
Compiled |
Uncompiled |
Application: |
Type: |
Application Command Line: |
sqrwt.exe |
sqrw.exe |
- Rename your reports from *.SQR to *.SQT
Enjoy one set of reports for all iterations of your database.
Runtime Report Parameters
From within an SQR report, you can access several system variables, at
runtime, that can be used to enhance the report.
Add this procedure (or reference it as an "include" file), to make the current database
name, current username and the workstation available in uppercase.
db_name() &database
host_name() &workstation
user_name() &susername
MOVE &database TO $database
UPPERCASE $database
MOVE &workstation TO $workstation
UPPERCASE $workstation
MOVE &susername TO $susername
UPPERCASE $susername
In the report's main procedure, call this procedure with this line:
DO get_db_info
Then, every time the SQR is run, the database that it is being run against, the username running
the report and the workstation its being run from will be available within the report.
There's several options for using the runtime data, see below for an example of using
it in the footer.
Runtime Parameters in the Footer
The runtime parameters made available by the above procedure can
be used in the footer to help qualify the report contents. For example, if you have a
production and a development database, the database runtime parameter can be used to
indicate which of the two databases the report reflects.
This is one possible footer procedure:
UPPERCASE $sqr-program
PRINT $sqr-program (2,1)
UPPERCASE $susername
PRINT $susername (,25)
PRINT $workstation (,70)
PRINT $database (,85)
This will print the report file name, current username, workstation name and database
name in the footer, under a horizontal line (you will need to adjust the graphic width
and the columns to suit your report width).
Over the years, as new SQR reports are written, report maintenance
becomes an issue. And if you switch from SQLBase to Oracle or SQLServer, each report
will need to be tweaked. In both cases, it's handy to know which reports are still
being used, which have been abandoned and everything in between.
With the addition of a new table in the Maximo database and a few lines of code to each
SQR (or an include file reference), report runs can be tracked automatically
A table with this structure:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[reporttrack] (
[reportname] [varchar] (30) NULL,
[rundate] [datetime] NULL,
[userid] [varchar] (12) NULL,
[workstation] [varchar] (12) NULL,
[inputwhere] [varchar] (500),
[input1] [varchar] (50),
[input2] [varchar] (50),
[input3] [varchar] (50),
[input4] [varchar] (50) NULL
Can capture a significant amount of tracking information. Adding this line:
DO record_use ($sqr-program, $susername, $workstation, $where,
$param1, $param2, $param3, $param4)
To call this procedure:
BEGIN-PROCEDURE record_use ($sqr-program, $susername, $workstation,
$ru_in_where, $ru_in_1, $ru_in_2, $ru_in_3, $ru_in_4)
INSERT INTO reporttrack (reportname, rundate, userid, workstation,
inputwhere, input1, input2, input3, input4)
VALUES ($sqr-program, GETDATE(), $susername, $workstation,
$ru_in_where, $ru_in_1, $ru_in_2, $ru_in_3, $ru_in_4)
Then, every time the SQR is run, it will record into table REPORTTRACK the time, user,
workstation and all of the inputs. It's not only handy for prioritizing which reports
to concentrate when migrating, it's useful for seeing how users are using the reports.