Maximo hasn't a delete WO function; the closest thing it has is to change a WO's status to CANcelled. So, rather than junk up the database with bogus work orders, I created this SQR utility. At first blush, it seems a trivial task to delete a row from the work order table, and, if that were the only reference to a work order, it would be. But, there are WONUM references in numerous tables and some indirect references that also have to be cleaned up.
Work Orders
Maximo allows a user to manually number work orders and typos do occur. This utility is very similar to DELWONUM in the tables that it modifies, but it doesn't delete - it only updates.
By default, work orders inherit the GLACCOUNT from the equipment against which they're written. In some circumstances, the work order's account number may need to be changed after the inheritance. This "Update Work Order Accounting Interactively" SQR is built to handle a GLACCOUNT consisting of two fields, COSTCENTER and ACCOUNT.
Maximo does allow one to "unapprove" an INPRG work order, it doesn't provide a way to reverse status from COMP or CLOSEd states. This tool will "reopen" closed/completed work orders.
This interactive SQR allows one to change the equipment number associated with a work order.
A user can report incorrect downtime when a work order is completed. This utility that will prompt for a target work order, display, and optionally delete, the associated downtime.