Riff Tones
These are some riff ringtones that I've made using the above techniques.
You can make a ringtone out of just about any sound file. Because of the limited frequency reproduction range of most cell phones, some sounds are more audible than others.
But, you can easily try any sound.
For starters, you'll need a sound file editing tool like Audacity. And, since you'll eventually want to save output into MP3 format, you 'll need the LAME utility. See the Audacity site or documentation on how to install LAME.
Then, you can use Audacity to capture sounds from a microphone, the line-in jack, or from a CD. They, you can isolate an interesting snippet by deleting the sound before and after the snippet, and applying the "fade in" and "fade out" effects to smooth out both ends. Export the snipped as a .WAV format.
Many cell phones can use MP3 files as ringtones. However, some of them are rather pickky about the MP3 sampling rate, etc. Using RazorLame and its default settings to do the MP3 compression, overcomes that obstacle.
These are some riff ringtones that I've made using the above techniques.